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Tools I use

1. Juli 2016

From time to time I hear the question: What tools do you use? Most of the times the questions is actually more about the workflow. But, of course, our tools kind of define our workflow or are chosen to reflect our process. So here is a list of tools that I use on a regular basis being a UX designer in a start-up company.

Wireframing and Prototyping

  • Pen and Paper for ideation and list making
  • Axure RP for any kind of clickable prototypes, to iterate, to test

Visual Design

  • Sketch for pixel-perfect screen design and asset production
  • Adobe Illustrator for more complex vector editing
  • Adobe Photoshop for mock-ups and presentation materials



  • ImageOptim for PNG and JPG compression
  • svgCleaner for compressing SVG files
  • Scenery for super-fast presentation mock-ups
  • iShowU for capturing animation ideas, click-flows and usability tests
  • Adobe Photoshop for converting movies to GIF animations
  • Vysor (Android, Chrome Plugin) and Quicktime (iOS) to mirror the mobile device screen to the desktop

Web development